The Response: 1896-1968
African American Begin to Organize
Afro American Leaders adopted philosophies of self-help, racial solidarity, economic and educational development, and racial pride as the best way to cope with racism.
The task of promoting many of these racial philosophies fell on the Black Church. Its leadership dispensed social welfare to the church congregation and the church community. It was the training ground for the civil Rights Movement.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded in 1910 for the purpose of litigating and legislating for African American Civil Rights.
The National Urban League has been advocating for African American Centers since 1911.
The National Negro Business League was founded in 1900. It encouraged and prepared blacks to enter the business.
The Black Church is the dispenser of social welfare, benevolence, and educational services to the needy in the church as well as in their community.
Public Domain: National Negro Business League Executive Committee Abstract/medium: 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.